Daily Archives: June 26, 2009

It’s so hot that…

– Kenny’s t-ball practice was cancelled on Tuesday. 

– Kenny’s t-ball game was NOT cancelled last night so we were all pretty much melting. 

– We’ve seen more movies in the past 2 weeks at movie theatres than I think we have in the past year.  We saw Up last week and then Night at the Museum 2 today.  Both were really good.  I’m still waiting for a fungus to start growing on Luke’s tongue after he ate popcorn off the theatre floor this morning.  I don’t know if that or the fact that he picked up goose poop yesterday and smeared it all over his swimsuit yesterday is worse. 

– We’ll be missing the Lenexa BBQ tonight.  Eric has to work tonight so I probably would have skipped it this year anyway (watching 2 kids up there by yourself isn’t that fun) but the heat sealed the deal for me.

I do like being hot but this humidity is driving the heat index into the 100’s and that is just too hot.


Filed under me and only me, my boys