Category Archives: me and only me

Life and EoE

Since my boys have gotten older, I haven’t updated much on here. They need their privacy.

Here are some quick updates so I have them documented/don’t forget:

Kenny graduated from high school this past May. He graduated with an IB certificate and was a National Merit Scholar Finalist. His dream college was Columbia, but when he didn’t get in, we told him he should look at schools that had good opportunities for National Merit Finalists. That’s how Alabama came into the picture. They offered him a full ride and he took it. He’s in the honors college, is currently rushing a fraternity, and is loving life (and the weather) there. We lucked out that we get to root for good college football (Alabama) AND good basketball (KU). He finished out his soccer career with his club team in May but plays intramural soccer at Bama. Roll Tide.

Luke is a sophomore in high school. He’s been a captain on both his freshman and sophomore high soccer teams. And then he plays club soccer the rest of the year. Both he and Kenny lifeguarded for me this past summer. I’m writing less about him because I feel like he’s more at that age where he likes his privacy.

Eric just hit 20 years at his police station, which means he could retire any time he wanted to. He’s only 43 so he’ll stay longer since his pension goes up every year (up to 30 years). He’s a captain now and has aspirations to be a chief next. My goal is to eventually get him out to Cape Cod. We’ve been going there for the past 6 summers and it’s just my favorite place.

I just left my job as an aquatic supervisor. It really was the best place to work, with the best people, but I’m burned out. I want to enjoy my summers, and that’s mainly when Kenny will be back in town. I don’t want to miss him (or Luke). I still work for our swim team, but the hours are pretty minimal each month. Now I just need to figure out what I want to do next.

I was diagnosed with EoE (eosinophilic esophagitis) a little over three years ago. I was having trouble swallowing, so I went to see an ENT. He scoped my upper throat and didn’t see anything wrong, so he sent me to a GI doctor. The GI doctor put me under to do a scope of my lower throat down to my stomach. He said it could be a few things, but would dilate my esophagus if it needed it while he was in there. I woke up and could immediately tell that he had. A few weeks later, the biopsy came back and that’s when I found out I had EoE. It’s all due to allergies. White blood cells form rings on my esophagus, which can lead to the narrowing of the esophagus, compactions, and choking. The GI doctor sent me to an allergist. Allergy tests aren’t incredibly accurate, but they think mine are mainly environmental allergies. I don’t know if it’s better or worse that mine are environmental allergies vs food allergies since I can’t really control mine. I started allergy shots in Dec 2019 and they say it usually takes around 5 years.

I noticed that it was getting harder to swallow things but could usually get things down with water or a Coke (the carbonation really helps). I kept meaning to call and schedule something with the GI doctor. On Friday, I warmed up a soft taco, took my first bite, and felt it get stuck. I just couldn’t get it down. Even my saliva wouldn’t. I just kept having to gag the liquids up. A few pieces of food came up, but not enough to unclog the compaction. I ended up going to the ER around 4. They tried giving me a Pepsi (didn’t work), and gave me some medicine to try to get it down. After the medicine, it felt better. I didn’t feel the pressure in my throat, and liquids would eventually go down. Kind of like a clogged drain. I could feel them sit there but then gradually drain. I couldn’t tell if all the food had gone down so they brought their GI team in and put me under. I hate being put under and this was the first time I had to have a breathing tube. They dilated my esophagus (a normal one is 20-30mm, mine was at 12, and they stretched it to 17), and it did tear a little during that process. I went home afterwards and have to eat soft foods for a week. But honestly, food just doesn’t look good right now. I have to go see this GI doctor in a week and I’m going to ask him about a medication called Dupixent that other people in my EoE FaceBook groups seem to have success with. I asked my allergist about it at my last 6 month appointment and they couldn’t prescribe it. Fingers crossed that maybe I qualify for it.

We lost our Mac, the unicorn of all dogs, in Dec 2019. He was acting lethargic so we took him to the vet, who found a volleyball sized tumor in his abdomen. We still miss him. Cain (aka Abe Froman, the Sausage King of Chicago) is 8 now, and then we added Cheesy (aka Cheesy Poof) to the mix in 2019, and Hef (aka El Jefe) in 2020. Cheesy and Hef are both 3. Cheesy is a border collie/lab mix and Hef is a Great Pyrenees.

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I miss my dad

dad Dad 2


My dad passed away Tuesday, February 9th.  I wasn’t ready to talk about it on here before now.  I just miss him so, so much.

I was at my normal Tuesday noon spin class.  I don’t normally put my phone at the bottom of my bike but I did that day.  We got off the bike about 35 minutes into class to do some arm work.  When I was about to get back on my bike, I noticed that I had three missed calls, two from my mom and one from Eric.  I immediately had that feeling, that bad feeling when you know something isn’t right.  I left the spin room and listened to Eric’s message first.  His message said, “Your dad collapsed and it doesn’t look good.  Go home now.”  I called him back and he said was already on the way to their house and asked if I wanted him to come get me.”  I said no, grabbed my stuff, and drove over to my parents’ house, crying the entire way.

My mom usually works in the morning.  She didn’t go in that day because she had an eye appointment for her future cataract surgery.  She said that she and my dad went to it together and had a nice morning together.  He said he felt a little funny but they just thought that maybe it was anxiety or something.  They got home and my mom walked into the house.  She then heard a loud noise.  She went to the garage, saw that my dad had collapsed, and called 911.  They had her check to see if he was breathing (I think she thought he was a little bit at that time).  EMS got there quickly and did CPR on him.  Our neighbors, the Mayers, were there with her.  Eric was randomly doing training out by their house and he beat me there.  I got there next, and then my brother, Billy.  It was pretty awful watching them work on my dad.  They had this machine that did the CPR compressions for them.  It felt like forever before they decided to transport him to the hospital.  My mom rode in the ambulance with him and I rode with Billy behind them.  Eric and the Mayers stayed behind to make sure everything was shut.

When we got to the hospital, they took us to a little room to wait in.  Sarah (Billy’s wife), Eric, the Mayers, and Mary (Eric’s mom), were there with us.  After working on my dad for almost an hour, they took us back to see him while the nurses lined up in a train to do CPR on him and they tried pushing different medications to get his heart to start.  We just held his hand through it all.  I think the doctor wanted us to see how hard they were working on him to no avail.  He talked to us about discontinuing CPR.  I refused to make that decision so my mom and Billy had to make that tough call.  I just couldn’t do it.  They stepped out to talk the doctor and I stayed in the room to continue holding his hand.  They stopped CPR and my dad passed away at 2:45pm.  A priest from Holy Trinity came over to give my dad his last rites and we were able to stay with him for a while to tell him good-bye.  It just didn’t feel real when we left the hospital without him.

It was awful telling the boys.  Just awful.  Our friends had taken them home from school for us so we waited to tell them until we got home.  I think we went back to my mom’s house after that.  Is it horrible that I don’t remember?  It seems like everything just kind of ran together after that.  The next few days consisted of making plans while family came into town.  My dad didn’t like a lot of fuss so it was fairly easy to pick out his coffin, flowers and service details.  My mom knew which cemetery to bury him in.  Eric’s dad passed away in 2002 from cancer, just six months before we were married.  He was buried in that same cemetery and there was a plot open, just five down from his.  We took it.  My mom wants to be cremated so her remains will eventually be buried above him.  We were so busy that week that I don’t feel like I really had time to process everything until it was over.  I cried a lot and was sad but I don’t think the reality of everything hit me until after the funeral.

My dad never regained consciousness after he collapsed.  I never got to tell him again that I loved him.  Selfishly, I’m sometimes jealous of people whose family members were sick and they were able to savor those last months or days and say their good-byes.  But, I’m also glad he didn’t suffer, and I know in my heart that he knew that he was loved.

I miss my dad.

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Filed under eric, family, kenny, kenny - 6th grade, luke, luke - 3rd grade, me and only me, my boys



12 years ago, I was a flight attendant for Northwest Airlines.  12 years ago, I flew into Amsterdam.  12 years ago, after walking around the city, I was picked up by our hotel shuttle and told that the US was under attack.  12 years ago, I watched the footage on the news that showed the planes flying into the Twin Towers and Pentagon.  12 years ago, after a few days, our crew finally flew back to the US without any passengers.  12 years ago, I finally made it back to KC.  12 years ago, Eric met me at the airport and proposed.

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Apparently I’m into yellow this season.


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15 years


Eric and I went on our first date 15 years ago.  It does but it doesn’t seem like we’ve been together that long.

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Things I’m lovin’

Here are just a few things that I’m loving right now:

1.  Starbuck’s Peppermint Hot Chocolate

Yum!  Even better, we had to wait in the drive through for 5 minutes the other day and they gave us our order for free.

2.  Dexter

I had three people, in just one week, tell me that I needed to watch this show.  I did and loved it.  It’s a little messed up (serial killer that only kills bad people) but different, in a good way.  I’m waiting to get season 2 from the library.

3.  Fork and Screen movies

What could be better than eating dinner while watching a movie in big, comfy seats?  And the food isn’t that bad.  I did make the mistake of ordering the fish the first time we went and it was definitely more difficult to eat in the dark.  Eric took me to the Fork and Screen showing of Twilight two weeks ago.  The beginning was so, so bad BUT the end completely made up for it.  It had a little twist that I did not see coming.  It was much better than the book.

I want to see the Abraham Lincoln and James Bond movies next.

4.  Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire

One of my FB friends recommended it as a good read.  At first, I was kind of put off by the fact that it’s about college students but quickly got over it.  She is also writing it from the guy’s point of view (this one was from the girl’s) and it’s coming out in April.

I also read 50 Shades of Gray and I’m not sure what all the fuss is about (maybe it gets better in book #2 and #3).  If she mentioned biting her lip or her inner goddess one more time, I was going to lose it.

Next, I really want to read Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn.  I’m still #121 on the wait list at the library.

My book club is reading The Life of Pi for our January read and I really hope it’s good.

I would LOVE some more book recommendations.  I need a new, good author/series.

5.  Groupon

I’ve already bought three Christmas gifts off of Groupon.

6.  Ebates

It kills me when I forget to go through Ebates when ordering on-line

7.  Luke and Kenny’s excitement for Christmas

Luke has been talking about Christmas since September.  Even though we’ve had to remind him a few times that Christmas is about Jesus’s birth, and not presents, it’s still really cute.  I am really going to miss it when they no longer believe in Santa.  I’m actually a little surprised that Kenny still does.

8.  Longview Lake’s Christmas in the Park display

This is the second year that we’ve gone to it.  The display is huge and they just really do a good job.  We took my parents along this year and we decided to make it an annual thing.

9.  Indoor soccer

I love soccer in general but I really love watching the boys play indoor soccer right now.  I love how fast paced it is.  Kenny’s games are just fun to watch because the kids are all starting to get to that stage where they are really good.  His footwork is getting so good and the kid can seriously get the ball away from anyone.  Luke is fun to watch because he likes to be the goalie.  Kenny and Luke are so different in that regard, and it really shows their personalities.  I feel like Kenny doesn’t like to be goalie because when he gets scored on, he takes it personally and feels bad.  When Luke gets scored on, it doesn’t bother him and he says he didn’t have any help (with a smile on his face).

10.  Eric’s schedule

I can’t believe I forgot this one at first.  Eric is now working Monday-Friday 8:00-4:00 like normal people do, with holidays off.  Unless a promotional process comes up, he’ll do this for the next four years.

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Filed under books, eric, family, favorites, holidays, just because, kenny, kenny - 3rd grade, luke, luke - kindergarten, me and only me, movies, my boys, sports, tv

Spring sports in pictures 2012

This spring is just as hectic as our fall was (by choice).  Kenny is playing soccer and flag football and Luke is playing soccer.

Red Hot Chilli Peppers (Kenny’s football team):

Bulldogs (Kenny’s soccer team):

Luke’s yet to be named soccer team:

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Filed under kenny, kenny - 2nd grade, luke, luke - preschool, me and only me, my boys, sports

What’s going on

The last few weeks have been crazy.  As in, I completely over-extended myself crazy. 

Here’s some of the big stuff (nevermind the practices, games, normal work and everyday stuff):

1.  Chili Supper at Kenny’s school

I signed up to be the co-chair of fundraising at Kenny’s school this year.  Part of that position included putting the chili supper together.  Luckily, two of the women that ran it in the past were VERY helpful.  I’m sure I asked them a million and one questions but they patiently answered each and every one of them.  The easiest part of the whole thing was getting donations from stores and finding great deals on the food.  It was amazing how charitable the restaurant and four grocery stores that I went to were.  They either gave me gift certificates, food or supplies.  The hardest and most stressful part was getting families from our school to sign up to bring things (chili, muffins, crackers, drinks) or volunteer.  Everything came together at what seemed like the last minute and it seemed to go off without a hitch.  THANK YOU to everyone that helped out that night!!!!!!

2.  Family Fun Night at Kenny’s school

I also signed up to run the Family Fun Nights at Kenny’s school.  They’re only once a month but this one happened to fall on the night after the chili supper.  I did a dance for the kids and one of the dads at our school was the DJ.  It really was fun but it was just a really long week.

3.  New job

One top of all that, I was offered a new job two weeks ago.  I work in aquatics.  I’ve been at my current job for over 4 and a half years.  I love it and I’ll always have a place in my heart for it but I was just getting bored.  I turned in my resignation back in October.  January 1 was scheduled to be my last day but then they came back and asked if I would stay on until May, which is when my replacement would be there.  I agreed on the terms that I could cut way back.  My plan (after May) was to strictly work over the summers and stay home with the boys during the school year.  I’m sure that sounds a little backwards to some people but I like to be active at the boys’ schools and I feel like I just don’t get to see them very much during the school year as it is.  So, two weeks ago I was offered a job to put together and run a swimming lesson program for a local swim team.  The owner had actually approached me two years ago about it but I was happy where I was at the time.  It just seemed like perfect timing this time around.  I said yes and am looking forward to the new challenge.  I’ve spent the past two weeks putting a program together, getting instructors and starting on the website information and enrollment forms.  I’ve still got a lot to do but I’ve gotten off to a great start.  My lessons officially start in March.  March should be fairly quiet due to Spring Break.  I know things will pick up in April and May but the lessons are only for two hours on Sundays at one location.  That will change over the summer when we go to three or four pools with morning and evening lessons.  That’s next on my list to figure out. 

So, that’s what has been going on here.

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Here are a few of the latest things that have me saying, “huh?????”:

1.  What happened to size 9 in boys’ clothes?  It goes from either an 8 or 7/8 straight to a size 10/12.  I asked a saleswoman at Children’s Place the same thing and she didn’t know either. 

2.  My parents bought Kenny an iPod nano for Christmas.  He wanted to get an armband for it so he could run with Eric but Apple doesn’t make them for the smaller 6th generation version.  They just make a wrist armband.  Huh?  Who wants to run with it attached to their wrists?  The nano does, in their defense, have a clip on it but I guarantee that it would be broken within a month if Kenny just used that.  I was able to quickly find this one on-line from and it’s working out great.  I just think it’s weird that Apple doesn’t sell them at their store.


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Hi everyone!  I have some exciting news – or maybe it would be more accurate to say that I have some news that’s exciting to us.  Eric and I spent the last few days putting together a new website.  It’s called My Daily Swim and as the name states, it offers daily swimming workouts for different levels of swimmers.  Even better, the workouts are free. 

Wish us luck! 

Even better, pass the website on to any friends that might be interested.  We would be very, very grateful!

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Best books

These are the top 10 books that I’ve read this past year (in no particular order). 

  • The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins

The Hunger Games, Catching Fire and Mockingjay

I haven’t met anyone who hasn’t liked these books.  I don’t buy many books but I bought these.

  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series by Steig Larsson

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played with Fire and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest

I liked the first and second book much more than the third but it was nice to have it all wrapped up.  I even watched all the movies (luckily I don’t mind subtitles).

  • How I Killed Pluto and Why It Had It Coming by Mike Brown

This book probably isn’t for everyone but heard the author speak on one of the NPR book podcasts.  He’s an astronomer and made the whole planet vs. dwarf planet thing interesting. 

  • I am Number Four by Pittacus Lore
  •  The Moonflower Vine by Jetta Carleton

My book club read this and almost everyone really liked it.  It’s one of those where you go back and read the first chapter again after you finish the book. 

  • The Help by Kathryn Stockett

It’s funny because I really wasn’t excited to read this book but once I started, I just couldn’t put it down.  Loved it.

  • Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer

Hannah recommended this and I’m glad she did.  Speaking of which, when are you going to join Goodreads?  The book is written as a series of letters after WWII.  So good.

  • Little Bee by Chris Cleave

Depressing but good.

  • Room by Emma Donoghue

This is written from the perspective of a 5-year-old boy.  It would always take me a few minutes to get back into the way it was written but then I was fine.  

  • The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boynez

You know how the book is going to end but you just don’t want it to. 

I’m waiting to read these books from the library.  I have them on hold and am just waiting for my turn.  #1 and #2 are written by bloggers.

  1. The Pioneer Woman:  Black Heels to Tractor Wheels – A Love Story by Ree Drummond
  2. Two Kisses For Maddie by Matt Logelin
  3. The Paris Wife by Paula McLain
  4. Attachments by Rainbow Rowell

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I know my birthday isn’t until April

…but I really want Eric to get me this for my birthday.  One of each of our boys, please.

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What’s going’ on

Here’s some of the craziness that’s been going on at our house via bullet points:

  • I am so behind on my Christmas stuff.  I just ordered my Christmas cards last night.  Actually, at first I ordered the picture of the boys that you’ll see on the card.  Less than an hour later I realized my mistake, tried to cancel that order and then ordered the actual card.  I love my kids but I don’t need 50 copies of that one picture:)  I have presents for all the kids in our families but I’m still working on the adults.  I have absolutely no idea what to get Eric.  I have a few little things and that’s about it.  I really don’t want that much this year either.  I want a food chopper thing, a movie, an I-tunes gift card and new pillows.  That’s all I can think of.   
  • In the midst of the holiday season, we’ve found a house that I think we’re going to put an offer on.  After much debating on whether we should move to a different area or stay close to here, we’ve finally decided that we’re staying in this area.  If we moved to Lenexa (where I grew up) or a little further south in Overland Park, we could definitely get a bigger house for the same amount of money.  But, we love this area.  The people are great and the schools are wonderful.  Kenny would even go to the same elementary school.  The high school that the boys will go to will never have a bad reputation.  It just won’t.  We already know some of the people who live on the street through the PTA and one of the ladies even emailed me after the first time we looked at the house to tell us how great that street is and that she hoped it would all work out.  Eric and I both work really close (1.5 miles and .5 miles respectively).  It is so nice that Eric can come home to eat during whatever shift he is on.  If we moved, we wouldn’t have that.  So, the house that we’ve found is on a street that we love (and that I’ve blogged about before).  It’s a two-story that looks like a cape cod but has a basement and more living space than we have now.  It’s already cute but it also has so much potential.  We looked at it for a second time yesterday and will probably put an offer down some time this week.  The offer will be contingent on how the inspection goes and on us selling our house.  The ‘us selling our house’ is the part that I’m freaking out about.  Our house is really cute and we’ve made a lot of big improvements to it (ex:  kitchen, fence, roof, etc)  but I’m not looking forward to always having to have the house clean and leaving for showings.  Cross your fingers that it sells quickly if we end up putting it on the market.  If you live in the KC area and know of someone looking for a house, send them our way. 
  • The plus side to possibly moving is that I didn’t have to put up a lot of Christmas decorations this year.  We put up our Christmas tree and brought out the Little People nativity, Christmas plates and cups for the boys and our wreath.  Pretty much everything else will stay packed up. 
  • My boss is having surgery today and he’ll be out for 4-6 weeks.  I’m trying to work a little more while he’s gone.  Plus, money is always good when you are thinking of moving. 
  • I have a surprise up my sleeve that I’m working on but can’t talk about yet.  Don’t y0u hate it when people do that:)
  • I joined a book club.  We read The Girl from Foreign in November and are reading Thinking in Pictures now.  I also have a huge stack of library books that I’m trying to get through.  I just read The Help and couldn’t put it down.  I started The Hunger Games two nights ago.  So far, so good.  I had to return The Girl Who Played with Fire without even reading a page of it.  I’m bummed about that one.  I’ve reserved it from the library again and am hoping it doesn’t take another three months to get it.  As you can see, I don’t really buy many books.  I only buy the ones that I’ll read over and over again (and I do).


Filed under books, for sale, holidays, house stuff, me and only me

I heart Glee

These are my favorite Glee performances to date:

1.  Teenage Dream

2.  Poker Face (the video is a little slower than the music)

3.  Gives You Hell

4.  Toxic

5.  Sweet Caroline

6.  Sit Down, You’re Rockin’ the Boat – can you tell that Guys and Dolls is my favorite musical?

Did I miss any good ones?


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Another one bites the dust

I hate squirrels.

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Because it just never gets old

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!


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Why I’m glad September is over

It was just a little crazy.

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Here are some things that I am loving for October:

– Fall hand soap scents at Bath and Body.  I bought a few of the candied apple, cinnamon pumpkin and vanilla ones yesterday.

– These remote controlled pumpkin lights.  I think I’m going to have to buy it this year.  I’m always a little freaked out that our pumpkin will catch on fire, which will then spread to our front step and house. 

– Gymboree clothes.  Thank you for getting past the mainly orange and brown shirts – my kids cannot wear those colors.

– Things at work are slightly slowing down. 

– Open windows during the day.

– The fact that my dogs are barely shedding anymore.  Hallelujah!

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8 years

In the eight years since Eric and I said “I do”, we’ve:

– started working

– purchased a house (and done multiple home improvements to said house)

– had two boys

– added two dogs to the mix

And that’s just the big stuff. 

It’s been a very busy but fun eight years.  Happy anniversary honey!


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9 years ago

…I was in Amsterdam, with my driver yelling, “the Twin Towers, they’re gone, the Pentagon, it’s gone, the White House, it’s gone.”  That wasn’t quite 100% accurate, but not too far off either.

…I was in Amsterdam, trying to figure out what hell was going on back in the USA.

…I was in Amsterdam, absolutely horrified as I watched the news reports.  I still remember the shots they showed of the poor people choosing to jump to their death when trapped by the flames. 

…I was in Amsterdam, buying these papers:

…I was in Amsterdam, trying to get ahold of my family and friends.  Everyone was more than a little freaked out when they couldn’t get ahold of me.  I had a record number of voice mails when I got back to the US and was able to access them.

…I was in Amsterdam, trying to figure out if it would be better to stay in the Netherlands for a few extra days or go back to the US as soon as possible.   

…I was in Amsterdam, feeling bad for the stranded passengers that were trying to get home to the US but still not ready to have them on my flight.  I know that sounds horrible but our plane would have been full of fuel and passing right over the east coast.  In the end, our flight left with crew only a few nights later.

God bless all those who lost their lives on that day.


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