Daily Archives: November 8, 2010

Crisis averted

Our windows are awesome.  They’re the kind that fold in so you can clean them from inside your house.  Seriously, they’re great.  But, they started getting what looked like streaks and a film on them.  Our realtor came over last spring and said that he thought our seals may have gone bad on them and that we would need to replace the glass, which could cost around $100 per window.  We need to (and should have this past summer) get new siding so this was not good news.

My mom and I were talking a week or two ago and she said that they had a window company come out to give them information on replacing their windows.  They love our windows but were afraid that they would get the film on them like ours did.  The representative said that it shouldn’t happen but if it did, their windows were covered under warranty.  

My mom said that we should try to figure out who did our windows and see if there was a warranty on them.  I looked and could not find anything that said what company put our windows in or even what brand the windows were.  There was a sticker on them that said that the company (whatever company that was) was certified and another with the warranty number on it.  So basically, I had nothing to go off of. 

I decided to call around tonight to see if I could find a company that had our address or the old owners in their system.  The first company couldn’t find anything.  Then, I decided to call my mom to get the name of their window company and number.  I called them second and hit the jackpot.  Our windows were on file under our old neighbor’s name.  We have to pay a $50 transfer of warranty fee but the windows will all be replaced for free. 

Can you say lucky?  Now if only our siding was under warranty.


Filed under house stuff